Why Installing Siding is a Smart Choice for Your Home

Apr 19, 2023
Installing Siding

Benefits & Cost Savings of Installing Siding for your Home

If you’re looking for a way to boost the curb appeal of your home, as well as reap several economic and energy-saving benefits, then siding is the perfect choice for you! With the beautiful, long-lasting options available on the market, you’ll find that updating your home’s siding can add value to your property, provide insulation from the heat and cold, and lower your energy bills.

What is Siding?

Siding is a layer of material that is installed over the exterior walls of a home. It is used to provide a decorative, attractive finish as well as to protect the building from the elements. Siding can be made from a variety of materials including wood, vinyl, aluminum, and fiber cement.

Proponents of siding argue that it offers numerous benefits such as improved energy efficiency and protection against damage caused by extreme weather. Additionally, siding can increase the value of a home and provides homeowners with an aesthetically pleasing exterior.

Those opposed to siding suggest that it can be costly upfront and can require significant maintenance, especially if left unattended and exposed to the elements. Furthermore, they argue that while siding may offer some protection against extreme weather events, it may not be enough to prevent more serious destruction caused by such things as flooding or hurricanes.

Regardless of one’s opinion on siding, one thing is clear: installing siding to your home does provide a number of advantages and cost savings.

Benefits of Installing Siding to Your Home

The installation of siding offers multiple long-term benefits to the homeowners who chose to invest in it. One of the major advantages is the added protection for your home from the elements. Most siding materials are designed with weather and moisture resistance in mind, so installing these surfaces can help maintain structural integrity and energy efficiency, as well as enhance the overall look and feel of your house.

Beyond protecting your investment from Mother Nature, siding can also increase the curb appeal of your home. By installing siding, you may make your house easier to sell at a higher price if you choose to do so in the future. In addition, applying new paint or staining helps preserve its color and condition overtime, allowing for easy maintenance. As technology improves, there have also been recent developments in acoustic insulation performance of certain models of vinyl which can reduce outside noise penetration into your living spaces as people become increasingly concerned with outdoor noise pollution.

On the other hand, some potential drawbacks should be taken into consideration before shopping for siding materials. Siding is susceptible to termites and other pest infestation which can cause wood rot. This damage often goes unnoticed until the stone has entered instead of preventing it upfront by using insect repellent treatments during the installation process. Furthermore, while newer types of vinyl are developing greater durability than other siding materials, they need more frequent cleaning and might not stand up to harsh environmental conditions caused by saltwater shoreline homes or climates with excessive snow fall and ice storms.

Therefore, before deciding on what type of siding is right for your home, it is important that homeowners consider all possible options given their geographical location and aesthetic preference. Once those considerations have been made, the next step is learning about cost savings associated with investing in siding for your home; this will be discussed below in terms of “Cost”.

  • Installing siding on a house can save up to 15% on energy expenses.
  • Siding can increase a home’s overall value by up to 7-11%.
  • With properly installed and high-quality siding, it is estimated that you may not need to do any painting every 5-10 years.


Cost is an important factor to consider when choosing a material to clad your home with. Certainly, siding can be expensive and out of the financial reach of some homeowners, but it’s a lifetime investment that has earned its place in the roofing and exterior design industry. When you factor in all of the benefits and cost savings associated with siding installation, the final outcome can be a budget-friendly solution that pays for itself many times over.

On one hand, vinyl, aluminum, or metal siding is usually more expensive on an initial basis than painting or wallpapering your home. However, these materials tend to need less maintenance and repairs over time, resulting in long-term cost savings. For instance, vinyl siding tends to be lower priced than other options but requires little upkeep beyond an occasional hose down or power wash every now and then. Additionally, most vinyl siding comes with a warranty that guarantees protection against fading, chipping, and cracking for up to 30 years; minimizing the chances and costs of expensive repairs.

On the other hand, higher quality materials like fiber cement and stone veneer can break the bank depending on what type of material you choose and how large your home is. Per square foot pricing averages around $5 – $9 for fiber cement and around $5 – $12 for stone veneer. That being said though, these materials offer superior protection against fire and rot damage that could potentially save you thousands in repair costs if anything were ever to happen.

You can see, installing siding is a smart choice for your home whose balance between initial costs and long-term savings are difficult to ignore.


Siding can be a durable option for your home. It holds up against damage from harsh weather, compared to wood and brick. The strong material is able to endure heavy rain, hail, ice, snow, and blazing sun without peeling or taking on extensive damage. Depending on the material you choose, your siding could last between 15-50 years with proper maintenance.

On the other hand, some types of siding such as aluminum and vinyl are more susceptible to high winds. For example, if an area is prone to hurricanes and powerful storms, it’s important to consider another type of siding that can better stand-up to these forces of nature—such as fiber cement siding.

The durability difference between different kinds of materials should be taken into account while researching which type of siding would work best for your home’s climate. Moreover, good quality installation from professionals increases the lifespan of the material even further so always be sure to hire a reliable contractor when making this investment in your property.

By understanding all the options for siding—and learning how each may fare in certain climates—you can make an informed decision regarding which one will have the most longevity for your home. With the right choice, you can rest assured that your siding will provide protection for many years to come.

No matter which type of siding you choose, it pays off to invest in reliable quality and services because they will increase the overall protection and durability of your home over time. Now let’s move on by discussing how well siding protects from common weather events such as rain and strong winds in the following section.

Key Summary Points

Installing siding is a good option for protecting a home against harsh weather and can last up to 50 years with proper maintenance. Different types of siding may be better suited to specific climates, and it is important to hire a reliable contractor for installation to ensure the best protection. Investing in quality materials and services will ensure overall durability of the home over time.

Protection from Weather

When evaluating siding, durability is often a deciding factor. Homeowners should note that, if properly installed and maintained, vinyl and metal siding offer strong protection from the elements making them an excellent choice for protecting your home. While wood siding can also be effective, it requires constant upkeep to prevent rotting and warping.

Protection from wind, rain, snow, and intense sunlight are all benefits provided by siding. Metal siding stands up especially well against thunderstorms, high winds, hail, and other extreme weather conditions since it doesn’t tear or warp easily. Vinyl siding offers a trusted barrier against moisture buildup while also deflecting heat in hot summers days. This can help reduce energy bills over time.

Wood siding may require costly care due to its susceptibility to insects and decay. However, there are special weather-resistant boards designed for areas with heavy rainfall or blizzards that can help ensure your home remains in tip-top shape for years.

It’s important to remember that no matter the type of siding you choose, proper installation done by a professional team is paramount for ensuring maximum protection from the elements.


Siding Installation

Different Types of Siding

When installing siding for your home, there are many different types of siding available to choose from. Each material has its own unique advantages and drawbacks. A few of the common materials used in home siding include brick, wood, aluminum or steel, and vinyl.

Brick is one of the most popular types of siding because it is attractive, durable, and low maintenance. Plus, brick can provide excellent insulation for your home. However, brick can be expensive and difficult to install.

Wood siding is also a popular choice especially with traditional style homes. It has a classic look but needs to be re-painted or stained at least every 5 years to maintain its appeal. Additionally, wood can rot or be eaten by termites if not kept up properly.

Aluminum or steel siding has become more popular in recent years because it requires very limited maintenance and will last a lifetime unlike other materials. On the downside, aluminum or steel may not offer the same insulation quality as other materials so additional insulation may need to be installed before installation of these sidings.

Vinyl is another possibly choice for homeowners who want a low-cost and low-maintenance solution that doesn’t sacrifice aesthetic quality. Vinyl is much easier to install than other materials and provides better insulation as well. Furthermore, while vinyl was once seen as a lower quality option compared to other materials, newer technologies have made it one of the most long-lasting home sidings available today.

No matter which type of siding you choose for your home, the quality of installation makes all the difference when it comes to the durability and longevity of your home’s exterior finish. That said, exploring what each material has to offer can help you make an informed decision about which material would best meet your needs and budget now -and in the future.


Vinyl is one of the most popular types of siding for homes due to its affordability, low maintenance, and impressive range of colors, textures, and styles. Vinyl siding can also imitate other materials like wood and stone, providing a more natural look that can add aesthetic value to any home. However, there are some potential drawbacks to vinyl siding that should be considered before investing in it.

One drawback is that certain higher-grade plasticizers used in production of vinyl can leach out over time, potentially impacting the environment and health of occupants. Another argument against vinyl relates to its thinness—manufacturers often use thinner versions of vinyl than other materials in order to keep costs low. This affects the installation of the product itself and results in a less durable end product with an increased risk of damage from dirt, mildew, or extreme weather conditions.

Finally, while the variety and style that come with this option can be advantageous to homeowners, some buyers may not appreciate the standardization and modernity associated with vinyl. It is important for any homeowner considering siding options to weigh all benefits and drawbacks objectively before deciding since no type of material is perfect for every situation.

Leading into the next section: Wood is an increasingly popular alternative to vinyl siding that offers even more options for customizations and style variations that are well suited to any home exterior design.


When considering which type of siding is best for your home, you may consider wood siding. There are a few factors to consider when choosing wood such as available materials, cost, and maintenance requirements.

Wood is considered to have good insulation characteristics, allowing your home to stay at a comfortable temperature while also reducing your energy bills. Additionally, wood siding can be modified and painted in different colors in order to match the aesthetic of the exterior of your home. However, wooden siding requires more maintenance than other types of siding due to its vulnerability to extreme weather conditions. It tends to be less durable because it can crack or become warped over time due to moisture and humidity. Additionally, wood siding can be prone to rot and pest infestation if not properly treated.

The cost is another consideration when deciding on what type of siding is best for your home. Wood is generally slightly cheaper than many other siding materials such as metal or vinyl, making it an attractive option for those with smaller budgets.

Overall, you must weigh the pros and cons carefully when selecting a type of siding for your home. Wood offers a unique look that homeowners often find desirable, but it comes with certain drawbacks.


When considering which type of siding to use for your home, metal is an option that may appeal to homeowners due to its durability, longevity, and ease of installation. While metal may be more expensive than other types of siding materials, it offers certain benefits that could make it an attractive option in the long run.

When it comes to durability, metal is perhaps the most resilient siding material available. It’s resistant to harsh weather elements, insect infestations, mold and mildew growth, and fire damage. This makes metal one of the longest-lasting options and can reduce the need to repair or replace it over time, which could save you money in maintenance costs. Additionally, metal does not require painting or staining if you opt for aluminum or steel.

On the other hand, some drawbacks of using metal include the initial cost of purchase and installation, as well as noise from wind and rain penetrating into your home. Additionally, metals expand when heated and contract when cooled, causing contraction and expansion joints which could lead to air infiltration through small gaps between panels.

Overall, metal is an option worth considering if you value its superior durability when compared with traditional siding choices like vinyl. Despite requiring a potentially hefty upfront investment upfront, metal may provide savings over time on maintenance costs while also increasing property value.

Design Options

Siding is a popular choice for many homes due to its wide range of design options. Vinyl siding is the most commonly used material and offers durability, weatherproofing and low maintenance costs. Many different types, styles and textures of vinyl siding are available in the market so homeowners can choose a look that fits their style and preference.

Board and Batten siding is another popular design option that can add a timeless and rustic look to any home. It is made of boards that overlap with each other in various widths, giving your house depth and visual interest. While board and batten siding typically looks better on larger structures and homes, it can still be installed on smaller houses with some modifications.

Fiber cement siding is another popular option among homeowners as it replicates the look of wood without the serious upkeep needs or high cost. The panels come pre-painted, so they won’t need painting down the line either. It is also highly resistant to fire, impact damage, rot, and pests, making it an ideal option for those who want longevity over everything else.

For homeowners looking for something environmentally friendly, fiberglass reinforced polymer (FRP) siding might be the best option. It’s made from recycled plastic water bottles and other eco-friendly materials which makes it a very sustainable choice compared to traditional materials like vinyl or fiber cement. FRP siding doesn’t require much maintenance and is just as durable as the more expensive materials but may cost slightly more up front.

No matter what type of siding you choose for your home, there are plenty of options to choose from when selecting a design for your house.


When it comes to siding colors, homeowners have many choices. The wide selection of color options available today ensures that every homeowner can find a style that fits their home and individual taste. However, choosing the right color isn’t always easy. On one side of the argument, dark colors can add warmth and elegance to any home while creating a bold statement. On the other side, lighter colors provide a brighter, cheerful look which can make any house more inviting and refreshing during the spring months. With all the options out there to consider, selecting the perfect siding color for your home can seem daunting.

The best thing to do when considering colors is to think about what colors best compliment your existing landscaping or décor in your surrounding area. If you have certain plants or trees near your property, you’ll want to make sure that the color of your siding complements these elements. Before making a final decision about colors, it’s important to be mindful of trends as well as how different colors may affect your house’s overall energy efficiency.

That being said, choosing a siding color shouldn’t be stressful – some people choose to take cues from their neighborhood and follow suit while others opt for something unique as an artistic expression. Whatever option you go with, make sure that it will be pleasing not only today but also in years to come so that you don’t have to repaint in the near future.


Installing siding is a great way to add style and value to your home. A variety of styles and colors are available, allowing you to find the perfect look for your home. From classic wood siding to modern vinyl, there are options that can fit any budget.

Wood siding has been around since the earliest homes and continues to be popular today. Its natural beauty adds warmth and character to any home. It also provides excellent insulation, helping keep energy costs down. Unfortunately, wood does require periodic maintenance and can be expensive to install.

Vinyl siding is one of the most popular siding materials today. It’s inexpensive, durable, and requires little maintenance. In addition, it comes in virtually any color or style you can imagine. There are also eco-friendly options made from recycled materials that are both stylish and sustainable. The downside is that vinyl doesn’t provide as much insulation as other materials such as wood or stucco.

Fiber cement is another material gaining in popularity. It’s more costly than vinyl but provides superior insulation and durability. The appearance resembles that of traditional wood siding but requires very little upkeep. Fiber cement can also be painted with ease making it a viable option for homeowners who want to customize their exterior design.

Ultimately, when deciding on installing siding for your home, there are many factors to consider beyond just cost. Depending on budget and location, there will be different benefits associated with each material you choose. By doing research into the different materials on the market, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about which type is best for your home’s unique needs.


When it comes to improving the aesthetic of your home’s exterior and creating a look that’s all yours, siding textures are the perfect way to let your style shine. From subtle to bold, you can find a texture of siding that will express your personal taste and complement your home-owning experience.

Wood-textured siding offers a traditional and timeless design, with an authentic look and feel. The wood grain pattern creates a natural appeal and is available in stained or painted finishes to match the look of your home while also providing it with additional protection against the weather. However, wood-textured siding can often be more expensive and require more maintenance than some of the other options available.

Smooth textures provide a sleek contemporary look with minimal maintenance. Smooth textures tend to be made from materials such as vinyl or fiber cement which are both durable and cost-effective alternatives to wood-textured siding. They come in a variety of finishes, fits, and colors so there’s sure to be something that catches your eye!

The brick-look texture of siding can create an appearance of brick without the price tag or hassle of real brick. Brick-look siding is often made from durable vinyl, which gives it a realistic visual appeal while providing extra protection against weather conditions. Since this type of texture is synthetic and not real brick, it will often cost considerably less than if you were to install real bricks on your home’s exterior.

No matter what texture you decide on for your home’s exterior, the options available provide for great style flexibility and will help you create a one-of-a-kind look for your home that is just as unique as you are!

Choosing the Right Siding for Your Home

Choosing the right siding for your home is an important decision that requires careful consideration. It can be a daunting task due to the abundance of materials and styles available on the market. Before you decide which material to use, there are certain factors to consider, such as climate, aesthetics, cost, weather resistance, and maintenance requirements.

Climate should be a major factor in choosing your siding material. For instance, wood siding can be prone to warping in hot climates due to its organic nature, while vinyl may crack or split when it expands and contracts in cold climates. Climate affects different types of siding in different ways, so it’s important to ensure that you research the best material for your local climate conditions.

Aesthetics are also key when deciding on the right siding for your home. Vinyl is known more for its durability than its looks, while wood is often sought after for its warmth and natural beauty. The majority of materials come in collections with multiple designs and colors, but some may require professional installation; therefore, you should research the cost before deciding.

Cost is an important consideration when selecting the right siding for your home. Generally speaking, aluminum or vinyl offer low upfront costs compared to other siding options like brick or stucco. While these materials may have a higher upfront cost than traditional siding materials, they may offer benefits such as improved energy conservation or reduced maintenance requirements over time, which will add up to long-term savings on repairs and utility bills.

Weather resistance is another important factor when choosing the appropriate siding material for your home. All types of siding can be damaged by extreme weather conditions such as heavy winds or heavy rains, so it’s important to select materials that are designed to stand up well against those elements. Vinyl is especially durable in wet climates and can stand up strong against high winds due to its non-porous nature; however, aluminum and steel may be best suited for areas with heavy snowfall and high winds—as long as corrosion doesn’t become an issue.

Finally, maintenance requirements must also be considered when selecting a siding material. Wood generally needs regular maintenance due to its organic nature; however, some products require minimizing maintenance over time by using their proprietary products and preventative measures like wall flashing or sealing details at intersections. Other materials such as vinyl do not require nearly as much upkeep beyond occasional cleansing with soft brushes or damp cloths.

With all these things taken into account, it’s clear that choosing the right siding for your home can be a complex undertaking that involves careful consideration of various factors from aesthetics to climate conditions and maintenance requirements – each homeowner has unique needs that must be met before making a final decision about what type of siding is best for their home. With this information in hand, homeowners can make an educated argument on which type of siding suits them best – whether it’s wood, resin-based composites, aluminum/steel siding etc., they’ll feel more confident discussing their choices with professionals who will help bring their dream look into reality within budget and timeline constraints.

Additional Considerations

When deciding if installing siding is the right choice for your home, there are additional factors you should consider. One consideration may be the siding style and color. Many types of siding come in a variety of colors, giving you the option to choose one that complements your home’s architecture and suits your personal preference.

You may also find that some siding options are more durable than others. Wood siding can provide an attractive look and feel but requires more maintenance than aluminum or fiber cement varieties. It’s important to think about how long you intend on staying in your home before investing in a type of siding that requires more frequent care.

Finally, you should think about any special requirements for installation or future maintenance when it comes to siding. If you live in a coastal area, for example, be sure to select a material that won’t corrode easily due to salt air exposure. And if either the site of your installation or surrounding the home has unique criteria such as difficult terrain or vegetation, be sure to factor that into the cost of the project.

These considerations all affect both the cost and longevity of your siding installation so it’s important to take them into account when making your decision.

Maintenance Tips

Maintaining siding is relatively easy, cost-effective, and often provides homeowners with long-term benefits. However, it is important to understand how to properly care for your siding in order to ensure that it remains waterproof and attractive.

For homes with vinyl siding, homeowners should clean the material regularly. Using a pressure washer with a mild soap will remove most dirt and grime from the surface, revealing its original color. With wood siding, regular inspections for signs of cracking or warping are necessary and painting or staining the wood can prevent water damage.

Aluminum siding requires less maintenance than other types of siding and is usually considered low maintenance. All that’s required is basic cleaning every couple of years. Ensure that you use a mild detergent with a soft brush or cloth as harsh chemicals and stiff brushes can damage the metal surface of your aluminum siding.

Some homeowners may choose to hire professional home maintenance professionals to inspect their siding annually or semi-annually. This will help identify any potential problems early on and allow the homeowner to address them quickly before they cause major damage. Though professional maintenance may cost more upfront, it could potentially save thousands of dollars in repair costs down the line.

Others may argue that frequent inspections are not necessary, as long as you check your siding shortly after bad weather or severe storms (e.g., hail, high winds). Additionally, some experts suggest inspecting your home’s foundation and gutter system once a year to make sure there isn’t any buildup of debris or water around your home’s exterior which could lead to damage over time.

Overall, maintaining siding is something that should be taken seriously by any homeowner who wants their investment to last for many years to come. Taking the time to research the proper maintenance steps for each type of siding can help keep your home looking great while avoiding costly repairs down the line.

Common Questions

Are there any potential drawbacks to installing siding for my home?

Yes, there are potential drawbacks to using siding for your home. Firstly, while vinyl siding often has low installation costs, the overall cost of siding can become costly when you factor in the maintenance that may be required to keep it looking and functioning as intended. Additionally, if not installed correctly, siding can lead to issues such as mold and mildew behind the panels or water damage on building exteriors. Finally, some types of siding can be easily scratched or dented which makes them unsuitable for more exposed homes or those that experience extreme weather conditions.

What are the benefits of installing siding for my home?

Using siding for your home can be a great choice because it offers a range of benefits.

Firstly, siding can provide an aesthetic upgrade to the exterior of your home, improving its curb appeal and potentially increasing its value. This is especially true if you choose to use materials such as brick or engineered wood, which come in a variety of designs that can fit any style and budget.

The durability of siding materials also adds to their attractiveness. Most types of siding are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, from heavy rains to raging winds and snow, meaning they are capable of withstanding wear and tear for years at a time. This saves money spent on repair and maintenance costs down the road.

Finally, siding adds an extra layer of protection against heat transfer between the interior and exterior walls of your home. This helps maintain comfortable temperatures inside, while also cutting down on energy expenses. Overall, opting to use siding for your home is often a smart decision as it provides substantial advantages in both financial savings and convenience.

What types of siding are most commonly used for homes?

The most commonly used types of siding for homes are vinyl, aluminum, and fiber cement.

Vinyl siding is a popular choice as it is low maintenance, affordable, and available in many finish options. It provides year-round protection from weather and can be easily customized to fit your home’s aesthetic.

Aluminum siding is also a great option for homeowners. It is durable and won’t corrode in wet climates and comes in many color options so you can customize your home’s look however you want. Aluminum siding is also resistant to UV damage, making it a great material choice for easy upkeep.

Fiber cement siding is another popular option. It’s durable and has the look and feel of real wood without all the maintenance that typically comes with wood siding. It is also fireproof, termite proof, and provides excellent insulation for your home. Fiber cement siding can also be painted any color you’d like.

Ultimately, the type of siding you choose depends on your budget and the aesthetic you want for your home. All three of these types of siding come with great benefits and cost savings for any homeowner considering new projects or upgrades.